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ProductProfunctor folds


In an excellent piece of pedagogy, Gabriel Gonzalez explains how to implement composable streaming (space leak free) folds in Haskell. In this article I’ll explain how to make these composable folds even more composable!

Gabriel’s key idea is captured in his foldl package, where the notion of a left fold is abstracted into the Fold datatype.

data Fold a b = forall x . Fold (x -> a -> x) x (x -> b)

A Fold a b represents a left fold on a list of a, updating a state of (existential) type x, and eventually returning a final value of type b.

There is an Applicative instance for Fold a which combines two separate folds into a single fold that combines their state. In this way we can avoid space leaks when running two separate folds on the same list. For example

average = (/) <$> L.sum <*> L.genericLength
L.fold average [1..10000000]

only walks the list once and does not leak space.

Lists of pairs

Suppose I have a value of type [(Bool, Double)] and I want to run and on the first component (returns True if all elements are True, False otherwise), and average (as defined above) on the second component. The simple approach of projecting out each component and running the folds separately is flawed.

myList :: [(Bool, Double)]

L.fold L.and (map fst myList)
L.fold average (map snd myList)

This exhibits exactly the kind of space leaks we are trying to avoid. The spine of myList is fully forced and kept around between the two calls to L.fold. There is a solution, and that is to use a Profunctor instance.


A Profunctor p is like a Functor with two arguments, but the first is contravariant meaning that it acts as a receiver of values. The class definition for Profunctor is

class Profunctor p where
    lmap :: (a -> a') -> p a' b -> p a  b
    rmap :: (b -> b') -> p a  b -> p a b'
    -- rmap is just like fmap on the right-hand type variable

(For a more in-depth look at Profunctor see my 24 Days of Hackage post on the subject).

Fold is a Profunctor, because Fold a b receives values of type a and emits a value of type b. Using the Profunctor instance we can combine two Folds of different argument types into one:

(***!) :: (Applicative (p (a, a')), Profunctor p) =>
            p a b -> p a' b' -> p (a, a') (b, b')
p ***! p' = (,) <$> lmap fst p <*> lmap snd p'

andWithAverage :: L.Fold (Bool, Double) (Bool, Double)
andWithAverage = L.and ***! average

Now we can run L.fold andWithAverage myList without space leaks!


One could write a typeclass to capture the essence of what we have just implemented

class Profunctor p => ProductProfunctor p where
  (***!) :: p a b -> p a' b' -> p (a, a') (b, b')
  empty :: p () ()

(***!) can be implemented exactly as given above, and empty is just pure (). So what is the point of using a typeclass rather than simply using the Applicative and Profunctor instances? The class ensures that the Applicative instance for p a is independent of a. I’m not certain this is necessary, but it does seem to be a useful sanity check.


The Profunctor instance for Fold increases the composability of Gabriel’s composable streaming folds. The ProductProfunctor is an interesting concept.

The foldl library doesn’t actually supply a Profunctor instance, but Edward Kmett’s similar folds library does have Profunctor instances.