is a feature in Haskell’s compiler, GHC, that is frequently used to
annotate exceptions with the call stack at the point in the program
from which they were thrown. For example, I can define an exception
type that, as well as a message, contains a CallStack
data MyException = MkMyException String CallStack
deriving Show
instance Exception MyException
And define a way of creating it that captures the current call stack:
mkMyException :: HasCallStack => String -> MyException
= MkMyException msg callStack mkMyException msg
Then when I catch the exception I can inspect the call stack:
myExceptionExample :: IO ()
= do
myExceptionExample @MyException
Control.Exception.catch "Hello"))
(throwIO (mkMyException MkMyException msg cs) -> do
(\(putStrLn msg
putStrLn "Thrown from:"
putStrLn (prettyCallStack cs))
ghci> myExceptionExample
Thrown from:
CallStack (from HasCallStack):
mkMyException, called at code/hascallstack-domain-2.hs:28:15 in fake-package-0-inplace:HD2
The feature makes debugging easier by allowing the origin of of an exception to be discovered. But it is useful for more than just exceptions: it is also useful for error messages in domain specific languages. In this article we’ll look at an example of such a use case.
At Groq, one of the things we use Haskell for is to provide an embedded domain specific assembly language (an “assembly EDSL”) for our novel chip, the “LPU”.
The assembly language allows us to define a program, which consists of a sequence of instructions to run on each processor on the chip and a collection of data values (called “constants”) that are loaded alongside the program to particular addresses in the chip’s memory.
Let’s have a look at how we can implement part of this in Haskell,
restricting ourselves, for simplicity, to specifying the constant
values and addresses. For the purposes of this article, we’ll say
that a memory address (Address
) is an Int
, and a constant value
placed at an address (Data
) is a list of Word8
of length 8 (i.e. a
list of 8 bytes). In practice we would probably use newtype or data
definitions but to keep things simple in this article we’ll just use
type synonyms.
type Address = Int
-- Should be length 8.
-- We'll check that elsewhere.
type Data = [Word8]
-- A "constant" is some data residing at
-- a particular address
data Constant = MkConstant Address Data
We want to be able to define constants using a convenient syntax, for example like this:
example :: Assembly ()
= do
example -- Place bytes 0x00 to 0x07 at address 0x0000
0x0000 [0x00 .. 0x07]
constant -- Place bytes 0x10 to 0x17 at address 0x0001
0x0001 [0x10 .. 0x17] constant
Let’s see how we can arrange that. Firstly, we’ll need an Assembly
monad. Here I’m using Bluefin for the implementation. The
implementation is roughly equivalent to a Writer [Constant]
(from the transformers
library) or a Stream (Of Constant)
(from the streaming
library). (For the monad instance, see the
data Assembly a
= MkAssembly (forall es. Stream Constant es -> Eff es a)
Then what should the function constant
do? It should yield the
arguments we give it into the stream, so that when we run the stream
we pick them up.
constant :: Address -> Data -> Assembly ()
= MkAssembly $ \c -> do
constant addr data_ MkConstant addr data_) yield c (
For the assembly stage, let’s collect the constants together and put
them in a Map
(from the containers
library) keyed by Address
data AssembledProgram
= MkAssembledProgram (Map Address Data)
deriving (Show)
assemble ::
Assembly () ->
Eff es AssembledProgram
MkAssembly k) = do
assemble (<- yieldToList $ \ct ->
(constants, ()) . k) $ \(MkConstant addr data_) ->
forEach (useImpl
yield ct (addr, data_)
let m = Map.fromList constants
pure (MkAssembledProgram m)
And to see the output of assemble
we write showAssemble
showAssemble :: Assembly () -> IO ()
= runEff $ \io -> do
showAssemble a <- assemble a
ap print ap) effIO io (
> showAssemble example
MkAssembledProgram (fromList [(0,[0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7]),(1,[16,17,18,19,20,21,22,23])])
That was what we hoped for! Our original example
above had two
constants, on addresses 0x0000
and 0x0001
, exactly as the result
shows. Unfortunately the situation is less good on badly-behaved
examples: for example, if the number of bytes we provide is incorrect,
then the error just passes silently. We get invalid-length lists in
the output:
badExampleLength :: Assembly ()
= do
badExampleLength -- Oh dear, this list is too short.
-- It's only length 4 but should be 8.
0x0000 [0x00 .. 0x04]
constant 0x0001 [0x10 .. 0x17]
constant -- And this one is too short too.
0x0002 [0x00 .. 0x04] constant
> showAssemble badExampleLength
MkAssembledProgram (fromList [(0,[0,1,2,3,4]),(1,[16,17,18,19,20,21,22,23]),(2,[0,1,2,3,4])])
Or if we specify two constants at the same address then one of them is silently dropped:
badExampleDuplication :: Assembly ()
= do
badExampleDuplication 0x0000 [0x00 .. 0x07]
constant 0x0001 [0x10 .. 0x17]
constant -- Oh dear, this is at the same
-- address as another constant
0x0000 [0x10 .. 0x17] constant
> showAssemble badExampleDuplication
MkAssembledProgram (fromList [(0,[16,17,18,19,20,21,22,23]),(1,[16,17,18,19,20,21,22,23])])
Let’s tackle the incorrect size issue first. We can amend constant
to throw an exception when the list provided has the wrong length.
Using HasCallStack
we can helpfully include the location of the call
to constant
which had an erroneous argument.
constant :: (HasCallStack) => Address -> Data -> Assembly ()
= MkAssembly $ \c -> do
constant addr data_ let l = length data_
/= 8) $ do
when (l let cs = callStack
error $
unlines $
"Wrong size constant",
[ "Expected: 8",
"Actual: " <> show l,
]<> showCallStack cs
MkConstant addr data_) yield c (
Then we can catch the exception thrown by error
when we come to
print out the result of the assembly.
showAssemble :: Assembly () -> IO ()
= runEff $ \io -> do
showAssemble a
handle. putStrLn . (\(ErrorCall s) -> s))
(effIO io -> do
( \ex $ do
rethrowIO io ex <- assemble a
ap print ap)
effIO io ( )
> showAssemble badExampleLength
Wrong size constant
Expected: 8
Actual: 5
constant at 92:3
That works! We see the line and column number of one of the mis-sized
constants. But there are still two problems. Firstly, we can only
catch the ErrorCall
thrown by error
where we have access to IO
Ideally we’d like to catch it in showAssemble
, but we don’t want
that function to use IO
. Secondly, there were two constants with
incorrect sizes, and when we ran error
in constant
it stopped
processing then and there, so we didn’t get to pick up the other one.
What can we do?
Instead of throwing an exception annotated with the CallStack
we can
annotate our constants with the CallStack
. To do so we rewrite
constant :: (HasCallStack) => Address -> Data -> Assembly ()
= MkAssembly $ \c -> do
constant addr data_ MkConstant callStack addr data_) yield c (
Then we can move the check for mis-sized constants into assemble
If we find any we throw an exception which mentions the source
locations of the definitions of all of them, not just one of them.
assemble ::
:> es) =>
(e Assembly () ->
Exception String e ->
Eff es AssembledProgram
MkAssembly k) ex = do
assemble (<- yieldToList $ \yconstant ->
(constants, (errorLines, ())) $ \yerror ->
yieldToList . k) $ \(MkConstant cs addr data_) -> do
forEach (useImpl let l = length data_
yield yconstant (addr, data_)
-- If the constant was the wrong length
-- yield some error message lines
/= 8) $ do
when (l
(yield yerror)"Wrong size constant",
( [ "Expected: 8",
"Actual: " <> show l,
]<> showCallStack cs
<> [""]
-- If there were any error lines, throw them
case errorLines of
-> pure ()
[] -> throw ex (unlines errorLines)
-- If not, gather the constants into a map
let m = Map.fromList constants
pure (MkAssembledProgram m)
showAssemble :: Assembly () -> IO ()
= runEff $ \io -> do
showAssemble a . putStr) $ \ex -> do
handle (effIO io <- assemble a ex
ap print ap) effIO io (
> showAssemble badExampleLength
Wrong size constant
Expected: 8
Actual: 5
constant at
Wrong size constant
Expected: 8
Actual: 5
104:3 constant at
That works! We can see information about both of the mis-sized constants.
We now have enough information in the body of assemble
to present
the user with the source location of constants which share the same
address. To arrange that, we keep the first part of assemble
the same as before; in the second part we gather all constants for
each address into a non-empty list, and throw an exception if any such
list was more than one element long.
assemble ::
:> es) =>
(e Assembly () ->
Exception String e ->
Eff es AssembledProgram
MkAssembly k) ex = do
assemble (-- This part very similar to before
<- yieldToList $ \yconstant ->
(constants, (errors, ())) $ \yerror ->
yieldToList . k) $ \(MkConstant cs addr data_) -> do
forEach (useImpl let l = length data_
-- We put the call stack and data in a non-empty list
-- before yielding it.
pure (cs, data_))
yield yconstant (addr,
-- If the constant was the wrong length
-- yield some error message lines
/= 8) $ do
when (l
(yield yerror)"Wrong size constant",
( [ "Expected: 8",
"Actual: " <> show l,
]<> showCallStack cs
<> [""]
-- If there were any errors, throw them
case errors of
-> pure ()
[] -> throw ex (unlines errors)
-- This part is new, and detects duplicate constants
-- We gather all the values for a given key (address)
-- into a non-empty list. If such a list has more than
-- one element, that indicates an error.
let m :: Map Address (NonEmpty (CallStack, Data))
= Map.fromListWith (<>) constants
-- For each address with a constant, check if there is
-- only one, or more than one, constant specified for
-- that address.
<- flip Map.traverseWithKey m $ \addr csData -> do
m' case csData of
-- Only one constant at this address. That's fine.
Data.List.NonEmpty.:| [] -> pure data_
(_, data_) -- Multiple constants at this address. Report the
-- error
-> do
_ $
throw ex unlines $
"Duplicate constants at address " <> show addr
]<> concatMap
-> showCallStack cs)
(\(cs, _)
(toList csData)
pure (MkAssembledProgram m')
> showAssemble badExampleDuplication
Duplicate constants at address 0
constant at 123:3
constant at 121:3
That works very nicely! We get to see the address with duplicated constants, and the source locations where those constants were defined. We could improve our implementation by throwing an exception containing all addresses with duplicated constants (currently, processing stops at the first such address), but we won’t bother to do so in this article.
is useful not only for error messages arising from
exceptions, it can be helpful for a wider class of error messages. If
you capture a call stack alongside data you can display annotated
error messages when you detect error conditions during processing that
Debugging your Haskell application with
shows many other uses to which you can put HasCallStack
, including
tracing messages.
User dpwiz
explains the same
at GitHub
instance Functor Assembly where
fmap f (MkAssembly g) =
MkAssembly (\s1 -> fmap f (g s1))
instance Applicative Assembly where
pure x = MkAssembly (\_ -> pure x)
MkAssembly f <*> MkAssembly x =
MkAssembly (\s1 -> f s1 <*> x s1)
instance Monad Assembly where
return = pure
MkAssembly m >>= f =
-> do
( \s1 <- m s1
a case f a of
MkAssembly f' -> f' s1