The H2 Wiki


A Git survival guide

Roughly orthogonal git commands

Global config settings

Things I don’t do

Explicit git

Many git commands make it possible to perform an action on a commit or on a remote without checking out that commit or without adding that remote.

What a rebase/merge conflict is

When you are presented with a rebase or merge conflict your job is to merge the semantic content of both patches. In particular, you should not be choosing just “ours” or just “theirs”. See Resolving git rebase conflicts for more information.

Advanced stuff

All the things your branch has ever been

Are you scared that you’ve lost commits because of a rebase gone wrong or some other git mystery? Try this command with the name of your branch in the place of <branch>.

BRANCH=<branch>; \
PAGER="less -S" \
git log --graph \
        --decorate \
        --pretty=format:"%C(auto)%h %<(7,trunc)%C(auto)%ae%Creset%C(auto)%d %s [%ar]%Creset" \
        $(git reflog $BRANCH | cut '-d ' -f1)

You will be presented with a tree that contains everything that has even been on the given branch. You can then reset your branch to one of its earlier versions and perhaps cherry-pick into it commits from other versions.

All the changes to files you care about

git fetch && PAGER="less '+/^commit'" git log --patch --since="1 week" --extended-regexp --author='^([^T]|.[^o])' -- $(git rev-list --since="1 month" --author="Tom Ellis" origin/master | while read commit; do git diff-tree --no-commit-id --name-only -r $commit; done)

Darcs translation