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Upgrading from GHC 8.10 to GHC 9.6

– An experience report

At work (Groq) we recently upgraded the version of GHC that we use from 8.10 to 9.6, along with many of the Haskell packages we depend on. Some of the changes to GHC and the packages we depend on were “breaking changes”, that is, changes which forced us to change our own code in response. This document details all such changes that we had to make to our own code. Hopefully it serves as a measure of the effort required to keep up with breaking changes in the Haskell ecosystem, encourages library and compiler maintainers to avoid making breaking changes where reasonable, and where breaking changes are made, to make them in a way that allows forward-compatible mitigations rather than breaking fixes.

Forward-compatible mitigations versus breaking fixes

I distinguish two kinds of behavior-preserving changes that are required in response to an upgrade which contains breaking changes: “forward-compatible mitigations” and “breaking fixes”. Foward-compatible mitigations are those changes that can be made to the codebase before the upgrade such that no further changes need to be made at the same time as the upgrade. For example, suppose that library “mylibrary” version 1 exports functionOld, which is deprecated, and functionNew which is identical except it is not deprecated. Further suppose that mylibrary version 2 removes functionOld. A forward-compatible mitigation would be to replace uses of functionOld with functionNew. Subsequently, the code works equally well with mylibrary version 1 and with mylibrary version 2, so no change needs to be made at the same time as the upgrade of mylibrary from version 1 to version 2.

By contrast, breaking fixes are those changes that only work after an upgrade. For example, suppose that library “anotherlibrary” version 1 exports anotherFunction :: A -> B -> C, and anotherlibrary version 2 exports anotherFunction :: B -> A -> C, which is identical except that the argument order is switched. A breaking fix would be to replace all uses of anotherFunction by flip anotherFunction. Breaking fixes complicate an upgrade because they can’t be made before or after the upgrade but must be made at exactly the same time.

Turning breaking fixes into forward-compatible mitigations

Every breaking fix can be made forward-compatible by wrapping it in CPP, but that introduces its own complexity, not least because CPP only works on a per-line basis rather than a per-expression basis. We didn’t use CPP in our upgrade. Another technique for making some breaking fixes into forward-compatible mitigations is the “compatibility shim”. For example, in the case of anotherlibrary above, the author could have added anotherFunctionNew :: B -> A -> C to version 1 and retained it in version 2, allowing users to make the forward-compatible mitigation of switching from anotherFunction to anotherFunctionNew before the upgrade. At their leisure, any time after the upgrade, they could switch to flip anotherFunction. Critically, they are not forced to make the switch at the same time as the upgrade1.

The changes

Changes to libraries

New export from Prelude

Newer versions of base re-export liftA2 from the Prelude therefore explicit imports from Control.Applicativeemit warnings. The forward-compatible mitigation is to turn on -Wwarn=unused-imports but we chose the breaking fix of removing the explicit import.

ST instance of MonadFail removed

The instance MonadFail (ST s) was removed in a recent base version. The forward-compatible mitigation is to use error instead of fail when in ST.

Removed exports from mtl modules

Some mtl modules, for example Control.Monad.Except, previously re-exported transformer-related functionality such as lift and MonadTrans. More recent mtl versions do not so the imports must come from elsewhere, such as Control.Monad.Trans. This is a forward-compatible mitigation.

aeson API change

Version two of aeson changed its representation of JSON objects from HashMap Text Value to KeyMap Value because the former is vulnerable to denial-of-service attacks. The breaking fix is to use the new API, and conversion functions where necessary, for example Data.Aeson.KeyMap.lookup instead of Data.HashMap.Strict.lookup, and fromText and toText to convert between Text and Key.

Parts of the breaking fix can be made forward-compatible by clever use of imports and local definitions as a sort of compatibility shim. For example, if you write this code, which works under aeson-1:

{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}

import Data.Aeson (Value)
import Data.HashMap.Strict qualified as Aeson

type Key = Text
type KeyMap = Aeson.HashMap Key

fromText :: Text -> Key
fromText = id

lookupColor :: KeyMap -> Value
lookupColor m = Aeson.lookup (fromText "color")

... more code

then converting it to aeson-2 only requires tweaking imports, not the bulk of the code:

{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}

import Data.Aeson (Value)
import Data.Aeson.Key (Key, fromText)
import Data.Aeson.KeyMap (KeyMap)
import Data.Aeson.KeyMap qualified as Aeson

lookupColor :: KeyMap -> Value
lookupColor m = Aeson.lookup (fromText "color")

... more code (unchanged)

A team could reduce the churn even further by creating a compatibility module in their codebase, Data.Aeson.Compat say, which contains those definitions. Then the client code would look like the following and not need to change at all when switching to aeson-2! Only Data.Aeson.Compat would need to change.

{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}

import Data.Aeson (Value)
import Data.Aeson.Compat qualified as Aeson
import Data.Aeson.Compat (Key, KeyMap)

lookupColor :: KeyMap -> Value
lookupColor m = Aeson.lookup (fromText "color")


In fact, this kind of compatibility module could have been placed in an aeson-compat package on Hackage for everyone to use, or even officially included in aeson itself.

I64# change

The definition of Int64 used to be data Int64 = I64# Int# but more recently it became data Int64 = I64# Int64#. This requires a breaking fix. In our case we shouldn’t have been using this low-level representation in the first place, and it turned out the code that was using it was not itself used, so we deleted it (which luckily for us is a forward-compatible mitigation).

xls API change

The xls library introduced RowIndex and ColumnIndex abstract types where it previously used Int. As with aeson this required a breaking fix which could be implemented partially as a forward-compatible mitigation by defining type synonyms locally as a sort of compatibility shim. The upgrade would have been easier if the library itself had introduced those synonyms before making the breaking change.

The library also added wsState as a field to its Worksheet type, which required a breaking fix when constructing values of that type.

flatparse API change

anyCharASCII became anyAsciiChar, along with many similar API changes. If we had a large amount of flatparse code we might have used the compatibility module approach in order to make a partially forward-compatible mitigation but instead we made the breaking fix.

constraints-extras API change

In previous versions of constraints-extras Has was a type synonym whereas in later versions it became a type class. This required a breaking fix.


We couldn’t get genSingletons, from the singletons family of packages, to work after the upgrade. The breaking fix we applied was to write out by hand what would have been generated by Template Haskell.

Changes to GHC

Simplified subsumption

GHC 9.0 made a switch to a type inference scheme for higher rank polymorphism called simplified subsumption. Consquently, expressions like g f in the below, which passed the type checker in the GHC 8 series, stopped passing the type checker in the GHC 9 series.

{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}

f :: Int -> (forall a. a -> a)
f _ = id

g :: (forall a. Int -> a -> a) -> ()
g _ = ()

main :: IO ()
main = print (g f)

The forward-compatible mitigation is to manually eta-expand f to obtain g (\x -> f x), as in the below.

main = print (g (\x -> f x))

The breaking fix is to disable simplified subsumption by using the DeepSubsumption language pragma (available in GHC 9.2 and later).

GHC bug

We came across a bug where GHC errored out with “The impossible happened” in some code related to existential types. We had to pull an inner binding to the top-level and mark it NOINLINE to avoid triggering the bug. This was a forward-compatible mitigation.

Overlapping patterns

Improvements to GHC’s pattern match checker mean that some patterns are now detected as redundant where they weren’t previously. The forward-compatible mitigation of using -Wwarn=overlapping-patterns has too big a downside so we used the breaking fix of removing the redundant patterns.

Kind * becomes Type

The GHC 9 series introduces a warning in -Wall about using * as the kind of types. The forward-compatible mitigation is to replace * with Data.Kind.Type.

GADT mono local binds

The GHC 9 series introduces a warning in -Wall about pattern matching on a GADT without MonoLocalBinds. The forward-compatible mitigation is to enable MonoLocalBinds. Alternatively there is a breaking fix which is to disable the gadt-mono-local-binds warning.

Changes to tools

brittany is no longer maintained

The formatter brittany is no longer maintained. We applied the forward-compatible mitigation of no longer using brittany to format a subset of our code.


Hadrian, the (relatively) new GHC build system, refuses to build ghci when cross-compilation is enabled. We applied the forward-compatible mitigation of no longer building cross-compiled GHC.

  1. The Opaleye API breakage policy is upheld by the heavy use of compatibility shims.↩︎