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Functional looping

Explicit looping is commonplace in imperative programming languages. For example, this is how I might write a loop in Python.

wrongAttempts = 0

while True:
    print("Enter password")
    s = input()
    if s != "letmein":
        wrongAttempts += 1
        print("You have been incorrect", wrongAttempts, "times")

print("You are into the system!")

We can always replace imperative looping with recursion.

main = do
  let myLoop wrongAttempts = do
        putStrLn "Enter password"
        s <- getLine
        when (s /= "letmein") $ do
          let wrongAttempts' = wrongAttempts + 1
            (  "You have been incorrect "
            ++ show wrongAttempts'
            ++ " times"
          myLoop wrongAttempts'

  myLoop 0
  putStrLn "You are into the system!"

There are a couple of small differences between the Python version and the Haskell version, and two bigger ones. The small ones are that in the Haskell version we explicitly continue by naming myLoop whereas the Python version explicitly breaks instead, and naturally the Haskell version explicitly passes the state for the next iteration.

The two bigger differences make the Haskell version clumsier. Firstly we have to name myLoop and call it explicitly. Secondly the initial state (0) is passed in far from the definition of myLoop.

How can we fix this? Let’s define a genereric looping combinator, loop. To make my loop less clumsy I want to avoid naming myLoop and I want to pass the initial state in to loop directly. This suggests I want to write something like

loop 0 (\continue wrongAttempts -> do
   continue wrongAttempts')

where the loop name continue is now bound in a lambda.

Can we implement this? Well, loop will have to look like

loop state body = body ... state

but what can I pass as the second argument to body? It needs to be something that takes the updated state and continues with the loop. But that’s just flip loop body! So I can define

loop state body = body (flip loop body) state

and then I can write main2 which doesn’t have the original clumsinesses.

main2 = do
    (\continue wrongAttempts -> do
      putStrLn "Enter password"
      s <- getLine
      when (s /= "letmein") $ do
        let wrongAttempts' = wrongAttempts + 1

          (  "You have been incorrect "
          ++ show wrongAttempts'
          ++ " times"
        continue wrongAttempts'
  putStrLn "You are into the system!"

Cryptic remarks

Note that flip loop body state = body (flip loop body) state so flip loop body = body (flip loop body). If we write fix f = f (fix f) then loop = flip fix. N.B. fix is normally written as fix f = let x = f x in x for efficiency.