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Why does Haskell not have an exists keyword?

In Haskell we can use Rank2Types or RankNTypes to pass arguments which contain universally quantified parameters, for example

{-# LANGUAGE Rank2Types #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ExistentialQuantification #-}

showBoth :: (Show b, Show c)
         => (forall a. Show a => a -> String) -> (b, c)
         -> (String, String)
showBoth myShow (b, c) = (myShow b, myShow c)

example1 :: (String, String)
example1 = showBoth show (1, "foo")

We can also make datatypes that contain existential variables, that means we know they have some type, but we don’t know which.

data Showable = forall a. Show a => Showable a

showShowable :: Showable -> String
showShowable (Showable a) = show a

showAll :: [Showable] -> [String]
showAll = map showShowable

example2 :: [String]
example2 = showAll [Showable "bar", Showable 5, Showable True]

However, what we’d really like to do is this:

showAll :: [exists a. Show a => a] -> [String]
showAll = map show

Why can’t we do this? Well, the reason that we can manipulate forall is that it desugars directly into something in the polymorphic lambda calculus (System F). The type

   (Show b, Show c)
=> (forall a. Show a => a -> String) -> (b, c)
-> (String, String)

actually means

   (Show b, Show c)
=> (/\a -> Show a => a -> String) -> (b, c)
-> (String, String)

(modulo desugaring of the typeclass contexts). Here /\ is a higher-level lambda, and its use means that the caller of the argument (i.e. the body of showBoth) gets to choose to instantiate the a to possibly many different types and use that function at all of them. On the other hand, there is nothing for exists to directly desugar to. We would like the type

[exists a. Show a => a] -> [String]

could mean something like

[{Show a => a, a}] -> [String]

where the {...} notation indicates a dependent sum. However, there is no such construction available in Haskell’s Core intermediate language.

I certainly recall seeing these dependent products in some presentations of polymorphic lambda calculus so perhaps there is no impediment to them in principle.