is not a strict mapSummary: I was surprised when I learned that Data.Map.Strict.Map
not strict. Its laziness has serious consequences for attempts at
space leak free programming in Haskell.
The Haskell
has a module called
which provides an associative container type. That module just
so it is a lazy associative container type. What does the word
“lazy” mean here? Have a look at this example:
> import qualified Data.Map.Lazy as L
> L.delete 0 $ L.insert 0 undefined $ L.empty
fromList []
We started with an empty map, inserted the entry undefined
under the
key 0
, and then deleted the entry under key 0
. The result was an
empty map. We call this data structure “lazy” because its operations
do not evaluate the entries it contains. Instead the entries are left
as unevaluated thunks until some consumer evaluates them. (The tree
structure of the map and the keys of the map are not lazy, however.)
We know the map does not evaluate its entries because if it did we
would have seen an exception when it came to evaluate undefined
Contrast this lazy behaviour with the behaviour of Data.Map.Strict
> import qualified Data.Map.Strict as S
> S.delete 0 $ S.insert 0 undefined $ S.empty
*** Exception: Prelude.undefined
fromList ...
The strict map ensures that the entries are always kept evaluated
(when the map itself is). We see that it tried to evaluate
and thus raised an exception.
The strict version is useful for avoiding space leaks when making many adjustments to a map. It avoids the entries becoming unevaluated thunks, growing in size. For example, this function has a space leak:
countParity :: [Int] -> L.Map String Integer
= foldl' inc (L.fromList [("even", 0), ("odd", 0)])
countParity where inc m n = if n `mod` 2 == 0
then L.adjust (+1) "even" m
else L.adjust (+1) "odd" m
and this function doesn’t:
countParityStrict :: [Integer] -> S.Map String Integer
= foldl' inc (S.fromList [("even", 0), ("odd", 0)])
countParityStrict where inc m n = if n `mod` 2 == 0
then S.adjust (+1) "even" m
else S.adjust (+1) "odd" m
If we want to make a larger data type that contains an associative map and that has many modifications performed to it over the lifetime of a program should we should use a strict map like this
data MyData = MyData { myBool :: !Bool
myMap :: !(S.Map String Integer)
, }
rather than a lazy map like this?
data MyData = MyData { myBool :: !Bool
myMap :: !(L.Map String Integer)
, }
It’s a trick question! Suppose I diligently chose the first option
but my colleague who was using my data type comes to me and says “I
have a space leak when using MyData
”. How could that be?!
is not a strict map. It is the same type as
! We saw strict behaviour above because
is a strict interface to a lazy map. It does not
itself provide a strict map. The
is explicit about this
Each function in this module is careful to force values before installing them in a Map. … If all values stored in all maps in the arguments are in WHNF, then all values stored in all maps in the results will be in WHNF once those maps are evaluated.
Perhaps it could afford to be more explicit that the type
is exactly the same as its lazy counterpart, but
it’s not trying to hide anything. Nonetheless it was closer to a
decade than a year into my Haskell journey that I learned this. It
seems I’m not the only
who got the wrong impression.
Consequently, even if you diligently attempt to avoid space leaks by defining strict data types then elsewhere in your program you or your colleague can innocently subvert your best intentions by using the lazy map interface rather than the strict one. Both interfaces work on the same map type so the type system does not help here. It compiled but it did not work!
What are the consequences for attempts space leak free programming in
Haskell? Unfortunately you cannot counteract space leaks in
locally, by ensuring that you use it in data types only
as a strict field. Instead you must act globally, taking care to
always use the strict interface rather than the lazy one. For space
leak free programming maps containing unevaluated thunks are illegal
states: we don’t want them to occur in our program. One of the
paradigmatic goals of strongly typed functional programming is to
make illegal states
It is unfortunate that it is not possible to follow the paradigm for
space leak free programming with Data.Map
How about creating a new data type that is genuinely distinct from
? A simple newtype
would suffice, as long as we
are careful not to expose the constructor and we only export functions
that preserve the “legality” of the state: when the map is evaluated
all the contents should be evaluated. That is possible but it has
drawbacks. For example the type would technically no longer obey the
functor law fmap f . fmap g == fmap (f . g)
: for f = const ()
g = const undefined
then fmap f . fmap g
would be undefined
on a
strict map but fmap (f . g)
wouldn’t be. (Data.Map
has separate
rewrite rules for strict and lazy
for this reason.) The “strict containers” functor law is fmap f . fmap g == fmap (\x -> f $! g x)
. Perhaps that’s not such a terrible loss.
After the first version of this article was published, /u/sjakobi on
Reddit pointed
that a package for strict Data.Map
(and other containers
already exists:
There is a discussion on GitHub
issues about how the
package came to be. Relatedly, there is an open issue to provide a
Does the strict newtype
have other drawbacks? Is there an
alternative way to achieve space leak free programming whilst
remains only an interface? Is there another
solution? If you know then please tell