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Bluefin versus OOP

– Tom Ellis, February 2025

In “OOP is not that bad, actually”, Ömer Sinan Ağacan describes a task that he says “mainstream statically-typed OOP languages do well”. He defines OOP [object oriented programming] as statically-typed programming with classes, inheritance, subtyping and virtual calls.

Ultimately I interpret the article not as advocating for OOP, but rather as advocating for programming against well-defined interfaces that can be instantiated with a variety of implementations. I’m strongly in support. However, I think the task is better solved by Haskell, a statically-typed functional language, than by an OOP language (as Ömer defines it). In particular, I don’t see inheritance and subtyping as particularly valuable for this task.

Let’s look at Ömer’s example in more detail, in a Haskell context.

A logger

We start with a basic logger interface. In Haskell an interface is a type, here Logger. This is like the Logger type that Ömer defined, except using the Eff type from my effect system Bluefin instead of IO. (Most of what I say in this article will apply equally well to IO or Eff and I’ll explain at the end why I think Eff is better.)

type Severity = Int

newtype Logger e =
  -- Log a message with a severity
  MkLogger {logImpl :: String -> Severity -> Eff e ()}

Then we need a bit of ceremony to define a Handle instance and the log function that we define in terms of the Handle implementation. (This is in principle derivable using Template Haskell or Generics but I haven’t implemented that in Bluefin yet. Mea culpa. I’m including this boilerplate in the article to be honest and explicit.)

instance Handle Logger where
  mapHandle logger =
      { logImpl = (fmap . fmap) useImpl (logImpl logger)

log :: (e :> es) => Logger e -> String -> Severity -> Eff es ()
log = operationFrom logImpl

Then immediately we can define a function, exampleWithLogger, which uses the Logger interface. It prints some messages to stdout (using putStrLn) and logs some messages to the Logger (using log).

exampleWithLogger ::
  (e1 :> es, e2 :> es) =>
  IOE e1 ->
  Logger e2 ->
  Eff es ()
exampleWithLogger io logger = do
  effIO io (putStrLn "Started Logger example")
  log logger "Mild Logger message" 0
  log logger "Severe Logger message" 10
  effIO io (putStrLn "Ended Logger example")

Having such a function is not useful until we have a way to instantiate the Logger interface. Here’s one: it prints log messages to stdout.

withStdoutLogger ::
  (e1 :> es) =>
  IOE e1 ->
  (forall e. Logger e -> Eff (e :& es) r) ->
  Eff es r
withStdoutLogger io k =
      { logImpl =
          \msg sev ->
            -- Print log message to stdout
            effIO io (putStrLn (mkMsg msg sev))
    mkMsg msg sev =
      "Logger message: " ++ show sev ++ ": " ++ msg

(useImplIn and effIO io are Bluefin incantations. The same code using IO instead of Eff wouldn’t have them.) I can instantiate the Logger interface and use it to run the example, like this:

runExampleWithLogger :: IO ()
runExampleWithLogger = runEff $ \io -> do
  -- "Instantiate" the Logger interface
  -- with a stdout logger
  withStdoutLogger io $ \logger -> do
    -- Use the Logger "instance"
    exampleWithLogger io logger

and the result is as expected:

Started Logger example
Log msg: 0: Mild Logger message
Log msg: 10: Severe Logger message
Ended Logger example

A minimum severity logger

Another example that Ömer uses is a logger which only logs above a certain severity. Bluefin can do that too! Ömer suggested that the minimum severity logger should be created afresh, but I actually think it’s better to take an existing logger and wrap it into a minimum severity logger. That sounds more useful, more object-oriented, and in any case more interesting, so let’s do it: withLogAboveSeverityLogger creates a logger that logs to an existing Logger (passed in as an argument), but only when the severity is above some minimum severity.

withLogAboveSeverityLogger ::
  (e1 :> es) =>
  Severity ->
  Logger e1 ->
  (forall e. Logger e -> Eff (e :& es) r) ->
  Eff es r
withLogAboveSeverityLogger minSev logger k = do
      { logImpl = \msg sev -> do
          when (sev >= minSev) $ do
            log logger msg sev

Then we can make a stdout logger and restrict it so it only logs messages of severity 5 and above:

runExampleWithLogAboveSeverityLogger :: IO ()
runExampleWithLogAboveSeverityLogger = runEff $ \io -> do
  -- Make the stdout logger
  withStdoutLogger io $ \logger -> do
    -- Only log messages of severity 5 and above
    withLogAboveSeverityLogger 5 logger $ \severeLogger -> do
      -- Run the example with the restricted logger
      exampleWithLogger io severeLogger

The output is the same except the mild (severity 0) log message is suppressed.

Started Logger example
Log msg: 10: Severe Logger message
Ended Logger example

A file logger

Finally, Ömer defines a file logger. Following the recipe seen above, we first define an interface for this type of logger. It contains a Logger whose log operation will write to a file, and an effectful operation which flushes writes to the open file.

data FileLogger e = MkFileLogger
  { fileLoggerLogger :: Logger e,
    flushImpl :: Eff e ()

This is “composition, not inheritance”, a famous design principle of OOP! Again we have some ceremony. Sorry.

instance Handle FileLogger where
  mapHandle fileLogger =
      { fileLoggerLogger =
          mapHandle (fileLoggerLogger fileLogger),
        flushImpl =
          useImpl (flushImpl fileLogger)

flush :: (e :> es) => FileLogger e -> Eff es ()
flush = operationFrom flushImpl

To create a FileLogger we take a file name, get access to a writeable file handle using a Bluefin withFile block, and use the file handle to define the Logger and the flush operation. Bluefin’s withFile is bracketed, so the file is closed automatically when leaving withFileLogger (even if an exception is thrown).

withFileLogger ::
  (e1 :> es) =>
  FilePath ->
  IOE e1 ->
  (forall e. FileLogger e -> Eff (e :& es) r) ->
  Eff es r
withFileLogger fp io k =
  -- Open a file for writing
  withFile io fp WriteMode $ \handle -> do
    -- Create the FileLogger
        { fileLoggerLogger =
              { logImpl =
                  \msg sev ->
                    -- Log to the open file
                    hPutStrLn handle (mkMsg msg sev)
          flushImpl = do
            -- Diagnostic message for the sake of
            -- the example
            effIO io (putStrLn "Flushing FileLogger")
            -- Flush writes to the file
            hFlush handle
    mkMsg msg sev =
      "FileLogger message: " ++ show sev ++ ": " ++ msg

We want to be able to use functions that accept Logger with our FileLogger. But how can we? Haskell doesn’t have subtyping! That’s OK: Haskell has functions. We just apply the function fileLoggerLogger. This achieves the same end as subtyping would, but with an explicit use of function application rather than an implicit use of the type system.

Then we can use a FileLogger with our function exampleWithLogger, which expected a Logger

exampleWithFileLogger ::
  (e1 :> es, e2 :> es) =>
  IOE e1 ->
  FileLogger e2 ->
  Eff es ()
exampleWithFileLogger io fileLogger = do
  -- Create a Logger from the FileLogger
  let logger = fileLoggerLogger fileLogger

  effIO io (putStrLn "Started FileLogger example")
  -- Log to the FileLogger
  log logger "Mild FileLogger message" 0

  withLogAboveSeverityLogger 5 logger $ \severeLogger -> do
    exampleWithLogger io severeLogger

  -- Flush the FileLogger
  flush fileLogger

  log logger "Severe FileLogger message" 10
  effIO io (putStrLn "Ended Logger example")

and run it (using the “file” /dev/stdout, so that all messages appear directly on the console for the benefit of exposition).

runExampleWithFileLogger :: IO ()
runExampleWithFileLogger = runEff $ \io -> do
  -- Create the FileLogger
  withFileLogger "/dev/stdout" io $ \fileLogger ->
    -- Use the FileLogger
    exampleWithFileLogger io fileLogger

We can see that the FileLogger is used for all messages, it is flushed at the expected point, and the mild (severity 0) message arising from exampleWithLogger is suppressed (as it was above in runExampleWithLogAboveSeverityLogger).

Opening file
Started FileLogger example
File logger message: 0: Mild FileLogger message
Started Logger example
File logger message: 10: Severe Logger message
Ended Logger example
Flushing FileLogger
File logger message: 10: Severe FileLogger message
Ended Logger example
Closing file

So, Bluefin versus OOP?

Before getting to the stage that we have now reached, Ömer suggested that our approach is unworkable:

unlike our OOP example, existing code that uses the Logger type and log function cannot work with this new [FileLogger] type. There needs to be some refactoring, and how the user code will need to be refactored depends on how we want to expose this new type to the users.

I don’t understand why. The approach taken in this article seems perfectly workable to me, even very natural, and doesn’t require any refactoring of existing code. It uses explicit function application instead of implicit subtyping.

The one element that one might think OOP languages do better is avoiding the explicit function application. But we don’t need subtyping, even for that! All we need is a way for a value to implicitly conform to some interface, in Haskell a type class. For example:

class IsLogger h where
  isLogger :: h e -> Logger e

instance IsLogger FileLogger where
  isLogger = fileLoggerLogger

And we could define functions to take an instance of IsLogger rather than a concrete Logger, for example change

exampleWithLogger ::
  (e1 :> es, e2 :> es) =>
  IOE e1 ->
  Logger e2 ->
  Eff es ()


exampleWithLogger ::
  (e1 :> es, e2 :> es, IsLogger logger) =>
  IOE e1 ->
  logger e2 ->
  Eff es ()

That would involve some refactoring, if we’ve already defined a suite of functions that accept Logger, but it’s not required, even if potentially convenient. I’m inclined to say that being explicit is clearer anyway, but then I like neither the implicit subtyping approach of OO style, nor the implicit type class approach of many Haskell libraries, to begin with.

Bluefin or Haskell?

Even if we like this style of “programming against well-defined interfaces that can be instantiated with a variety of implementations”, are we really getting the benefits from Bluefin, or just Haskell? Well, a significant part comes from Haskell, but there are a couple of notable additional benefits of Bluefin: effect tracking and resource safety.

Effect tracking

Firstly, Bluefin enforces strict controls, through the type system, over what functions can and cannot do. For example, we can add a logger that yields log messages to a Bluefin Stream:

streamLogger ::
  (e1 :> es) =>
  Stream String e1 ->
  (forall e. Logger e -> Eff (e :& es) r) ->
  Eff es r
streamLogger stream k =
      { logImpl = \msg sev ->
          yield stream (mkMsg msg sev)
    mkMsg msg sev =
      "streamLogger message: " ++ show sev ++ ": " ++ msg

Later we can choose what to do with the elements from the stream. Here we print them.

runExampleStreamLogger :: IO ()
runExampleStreamLogger = runEff $ \io -> do
    ( \stream -> streamLogger stream $ \logger -> do
        exampleWithLogger io logger
    ( \logMsg -> do
        effIO io (putStrLn logMsg)

The end product is the same as runExampleWithLogger above.

Started Logger example
streamLogger message: 0: Mild Logger message
streamLogger message: 10: Severe Logger message
Ended Logger example

But the way we have factored the program is different. From the program structure it is clear that using streamLogger does not perform any IO (there is no IOE argument to streamLogger) even though other parts of the program do perform IO. This fine-grained tracking of effects is not possible if you use the raw IO monad (anything that runs in IO can perform any possible effect) nor is such tracking possible in any “mainstream, statically-typed OOP language”.

Resource safety

Secondly, the file handle supplied by withFile (used in the definition of withFileLogger) is guaranteed not to escape its scope, that is, it’s not possible to use it after withFileLogger has returned. That guarantee is not provided by Haskell’s standard System.IO.withFile.


In what ways is Bluefin worse than an OOP language, or just pure Haskell?

Well, we’ve seen that there is ceremony and boilerplate involved in defining and using Bluefin effects. Much of this can in principle be addressed by generating the boilerplate using Template Haskell or Generics, but tracking fine-grained effects at the type system is always going to be less convenient than using plain IO (in Haskell), or than using nothing (in every other language).

Setting up the “subtyping” relationship using IsLogger also requires some boilerplate. In OO languages it comes for free, syntactically free anyway.

I think these costs are worth paying, but I won’t be surprised if others have different preferences.


For my purposes, I’m happy to say that “Bluefin is better than OOP, actually”.


The code in this article uses the following convenience function, which may or may not be added to Bluefin at a later date.

operationFrom ::
  (Handle h, e :> es) =>
  (h es -> t) ->
  h e ->
operationFrom f = f . mapHandle
