– pipes and conduit streams don’t
The pipes and conduit streaming abstractions have a problem: despite having special-purpose bracketing operations they don’t finalize promptly in the presence of exceptions. Bluefin, by contrast, has two benefits: it can bracket its streams with general-purpose operations, and those brackets finalize promptly.
What does “finalize promptly” mean? And why is it a problem to not finalize promptly? Read on to find out.
When we have acquired, and have been using, a scarce resource (for example a file handle) we need to “finalize it promptly”, that is, “release” or “clean it up” as soon as possible after we no longer need it, so that it can be reused. If a program component is guaranteed to promptly finalize the resources it holds it is sometimes called “resource safe”.
One element of the Haskell ecosystem that provides a form of prompt
finalization is
The type and intended usage of bracket
bracket ::
-- | acquire the resource
IO a ->
-- | release the resource
-> IO b) ->
(a -- | use the resource ("the body")
-> IO c) ->
(a -- | returns the result of the body
IO c
When the bracket
call executes the resource is firstly acquired and
then secondly used (the part of the program that uses the resource is
often called “the body”) . Thirdly, the resource is released once the
body finishes, regardless of whether the body finished normally or by
throwing an uncaught exception. Below, bracketExample
brackets the
usage of a file handle. It opens a file, throws an exception if the
file is too big, and then subsequently closes the file. (When it
opens and closes the file it also prints a message to tell us that it
is doing so.)
bracketExample :: Integer -> IO ()
bracketExample n
bracket-- Acquire the file handle
(putStrLn "Opening file"
"/usr/share/dict/words" ReadMode
)-- Release the file handle
-> do
(\handle putStrLn "Closing file"
hClose handle)-- Use the file handle
-> do
(\handle <- hFileSize handle
size >= n) (error "Too big")
when (size putStrLn "Not too big")
If the body terminates normally, i.e. without an exception, then the file is closed, as desired.
ghci> bracketExample (1000 * 1000)
Opening file
Not too big
Closing file
If the body terminates with an exception then the file is also closed,
as desired (and the exception is rethrown from bracket
ghci> bracketExample 1000
Opening file
Closing file
*** Exception: Too big
Bracketing of resources is a very useful, general concept. Streaming abstractions like those provided by pipes, conduit and Bluefin need to support prompt finalization, through some form of bracketing, because we want to be able to implement streaming computations that hold resources. For example, we might want to implement a producer that yields all lines from a file. To be resource safe, that producer must close the handle to the file when it terminates, either normally or through an exception.
works in IO
, not in the monad
transformers provided by pipes and conduit, nor in the Eff
provided by Bluefin, so we can’t use that bracketing function
directly. Instead, the
provide the
monad transformers that offer a form of prompt finalization that work
with the pipes and conduit ecosystems, and beyond. Bluefin has its
own general-purpose bracketing operation, also called bracket
Let’s write a program so we can inspect the behaviour of pipes’s, conduit’s and Bluefin’s approaches to prompt finalization. The program will consist of a producer and a consumer. The producer will produce the numbers “1”, “2”, “3” and the consumer will print whatever it receives. Then we’re going to connect the producer to the consumer and run them, twice. We expect to see the numbers “1”, “2”, “3” printed to our terminal, twice.
Furthermore, the producer will be bracketed. For simplicity we’re not going to bracket an actual resource, but we will print a message when the resource is (or rather would be) acquired and released. So, in addition to “1”, “2”, “3”, twice, we expect to see messages telling us when the “resource” was acquired and released (twice each).
Pipes is designed to work with SafeT
, and provides a special-purpose
operation for bracketing. The implementation is as follows.
pipes1 :: IO ()
= runSafeT $ do
pipes1 $ do
runEffect >-> consume
produce >-> consume
produce where
produce :: Producer Int (SafeT IO) ()
= do
produce -- Special-purpose pipes bracket
P.bracketputStrLn "Acquiring resource"))
(liftIO (-> liftIO (putStrLn "Releasing resource"))
(\_ -> for_ [1 .. 3] $ \i -> do
( \_
P.yield i
consume :: (MonadIO m) => Consumer Int m ()
= forever $ do
consume <- P.await
r print r) liftIO (
When we run pipes1
everything works as expected. The resource is
released (twice) as soon as it is no longer required, that is, as soon
as the producer’s final element has been printed.
Acquiring resource
Releasing resource
Acquiring resource
Releasing resource
The conduit implementation is similar. Conduit is designed to work
with ResourceT
, and provides a special-purpose bracketP
for bracketing. The implementation is as follows.
conduit1 :: IO ()
= runResourceT $ do
conduit1 $ do
runConduit .| consume
produce .| consume
produce where
produce :: C.ConduitT i Int (ResourceT IO) ()
= do
produce -- Special-purpose conduit bracket
C.bracketPputStrLn "Acquiring resource"))
(liftIO (-> liftIO (putStrLn "Releasing resource"))
(\_ -> for_ [1 .. 3] $ \i -> do
( \_
C.yield i
consume :: (MonadIO m) => C.ConduitT Int o m ()
= do
consume >>= \case
C.await Nothing -> pure ()
Just r -> do
print r)
liftIO ( consume
The output is the same as the pipes version so the bracketing works as intended.
ghci> conduit1
Acquiring resource
Releasing resource
Acquiring resource
Releasing resource
The Bluefin implementation is also similar. Bluefin doesn’t need
or ResourceT
; its general-purpose bracket
operation works
equally well for bracketing streaming operations as it does for any
other Bluefin operations.
bluefin1 :: IO ()
= runEff $ \io -> do
connectCoroutines (consume io) (produce io)
connectCoroutines (consume io) (produce io)where
produce ::
:> es, e2 :> es) =>
(e1 IOE e1 ->
() Stream Int e2 ->
Eff es ()
= do
produce io () y -- General-purpose Bluefin bracket
B.bracketputStrLn "Acquiring resource"))
(effIO io (-> effIO io (putStrLn "Releasing resource"))
(\_ -> for_ [1 :: Int .. 3] $ \i -> do
( \_
B.yield y i
consume ::
:> es, e2 :> es) =>
(e1 IOE e1 ->
Coroutine () Int e2 ->
Eff es ()
= forever $ do
consume io c <- yieldCoroutine c ()
r print r) effIO io (
Like for pipes and conduit, finalization runs promptly. The resource is released each time the third element is printed.
ghci> bluefin1
Acquiring resource
Releasing resource
Acquiring resource
Releasing resource
So far so good, but now the story gets worse for pipes and conduit. One of the main roles of a bracketing operation is to provide prompt finalization in the presence of exceptions. Can pipes, conduit and Bluefin’s bracketing operations handle exceptions in streaming operations?
To determine the answer we are going to adjust our programs so that the producer throws an exception before it emits “3” and we’re going to catch the exception outside the producer, so it doesn’t propagate further.
Pipes and conduit do not deal well with this case. Bluefin does.
The pipes implementation is the same as before, except we throw an
exception in the producer when i >= 3
, and catch it, at the
top-level of the producer definition, using pipe’s special-purpose
data MyEx = MyEx deriving (Show)
instance E.Exception MyEx
pipes2 :: IO ()
= runSafeT $ do
pipes2 $ do
runEffect >-> consume
produce >-> consume
produce where
produce :: Producer Int (SafeT IO) ()
= do
produce -- Special-purpose pipes try
$ P.tryP @_ @MyEx $ do
void -- Special-purpose pipes bracket
P.bracketputStrLn "Acquiring resource"))
(liftIO (-> liftIO (putStrLn "Releasing resource"))
(\_ -> for_ [1 .. 3] $ \i -> do
( \_ >= 3) $
when (i MyEx)
liftIO (E.throwIO
P.yield i
consume :: (MonadIO m) => Consumer Int m ()
= forever $ do
consume <- P.await
r print r) liftIO (
When we run pipes2
we see a problem. The resource should be
released after each time that “2” is printed, but first resource is
not released until the very end. Oh dear.
ghci> pipes2
Acquiring resource
Acquiring resource
Releasing resource
Releasing resource
We make the same adjustments to the conduit implementation as the
pipes implementation, using conduit’s special-purpose tryC
conduit2 :: IO ()
= runResourceT $ do
conduit2 $ do
runConduit .| consume
produce .| consume
produce where
produce :: C.ConduitT i Int (ResourceT IO) ()
= do
produce -- Special-purpose conduit try
$ C.tryC @_ @MyEx $ do
void -- Special-purpose conduit bracket
C.bracketPputStrLn "Acquiring resource"))
(liftIO (-> liftIO (putStrLn "Releasing resource"))
(\_ -> for_ [1 .. 3] $ \i -> do
( \_ >= 3) (liftIO (E.throwIO MyEx))
when (i
C.yield i
consume :: (MonadIO m) => C.ConduitT Int o m ()
= do
consume >>= \case
C.await Nothing -> pure ()
Just r -> do
print r)
liftIO ( consume
The conduit example displays the same undesirable behaviour as the pipes example. The first resource should be released after “2” is printed, but it is not released until the very end.
ghci> conduit2
Acquiring resource
Acquiring resource
Releasing resource
Releasing resource
How will Bluefin fare? We make the same adjustments to the Bluefin
implementation as we made to the pipes and conduit implementations,
using Bluefin’s general-purpose try
to catch the exception thrown
when i >= 3
bluefin2 :: IO ()
= runEff $ \io -> do
connectCoroutines (consume io) (produce io)
connectCoroutines (consume io) (produce io)where
produce ::
:> es, e2 :> es) =>
(e1 IOE e1 ->
() Stream Int e2 ->
Eff es ()
= do
produce io () y -- General-purpose Bluefin try
$ B.try $ \e -> do
void -- General-purpose Bluefin bracket
B.bracketputStrLn "Acquiring resource"))
(effIO io (-> effIO io (putStrLn "Releasing resource"))
(\_ -> for_ [1 :: Int .. 3] $ \i -> do
( \_ >= 3) (B.throw e ())
when (i
B.yield y i
consume ::
:> es, e2 :> es) =>
(e1 IOE e1 ->
Coroutine () Int e2 ->
Eff es ()
= forever $ do
consume io c <- yieldCoroutine c ()
r print r) effIO io (
When we look at the Bluefin behaviour we see it behaves as desired! The first resource is promptly finalized when it is no longer needed (as it was in all three exception-free implementations).
ghci> bluefin2
Acquiring resource
Releasing resource
Acquiring resource
Releasing resource
Bluefin has two benefits over pipes and conduits with regard to prompt finalization of streaming resources.
Bluefin’s bracket
and try
operations are general purpose: they
work throughout the Bluefin ecosystem, not just for streaming. The
pipes/conduit tryP
and bracket
operations are
special purpose and work only on pipes/conduits.
Bluefin streams finalize promptly, whereas the finalization of
pipes and conduit might be called “promptish”. On exception they
only release their resources at the end of the enclosing
Worse, this means the use of ResourceT
and SafeT
must leak out
of the definition of the bracketed resource (in our case, the
producer), breaking encapsulation. Consequently, when using
and runResourceT
you have to remember to scope them
as tightly as possible to the enclosed resources. If you
accidentally scope them too loosely you’re holding on to resources
for longer than necessary. By contrast, the resource safety of the
Bluefin bracketed resource is encapsulated. It’s not possible to
use it in a resource-unsafe manner.
How can Bluefin, which is a general-purpose effect system, provide prompt finalization in streaming contexts when pipes and conduit, which are special-purpose streaming libraries, cannot?
The ultimate reason is that Bluefin’s Eff
is IO
under the hood. Firstly, this means we can use the standard
and try
from Control.Exception
, wrapped to work on Eff
instead of IO
, to bracket and try all Bluefin operations. No
special-purpose operations are needed.
Secondly, connectCoroutines
, which connects a producer and a
consumer, works by using
to fork two threads which communicate in a synchronized fashion
If one thread is terminated by an uncaught exception then all brackets
active at the point the exception was thrown will already have had
their finalizers run. Furthermore, Async.race
ensures that the
other thread is terminated using an asynchronous exception, causing
the finalizers to run of all active brackets in that thread too.
There is a common refrain in the Haskell community that “lazy data
types are control
This means, for example, that data structures like lazy lists, or
their effectful equivalents, pipes and conduit, can be seen as
“control structures” that determine the flow of control within an
executing program. Given the difficulties that these sorts of
“control structures” have with prompt finalization it might worth
shifting away from that point of view to one in which the ultimate
control structures are those provided by IO
-based effect systems
like Bluefin.
Michael Snoyman observed pipe’s lack of prompt finalization in The core flaws of pipes and conduit (section “pipes: Prompt resource finalization”), but in the presence of exceptions, conduit has the same problem.
Michael Snoyman: pipes resource problems
Haskell Wiki: Bracket pattern