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Bluefin prevents handles leaking

Haskell’s System.IO.withFile has a nice resource safety property. It also has a problem which its Bluefin equivalent fixes. Let’s have a look.


System.IO.withFile has the following type

withFile ::
  FilePath ->
  IOMode ->
  -- | The "body"
  (Handle -> IO r) ->
  IO r

It allows us to open a file by its path, and then interact with it in the “body” of the withFile using its “file handle” (of type System.IO.Handle). When the body has finished withFile will automatically close the file, releasing its Handle. File handles are a scarce resource so it’s important to release them promptly. withFile saves us work by taking care of that for us automatically. Here’s an example

useHandle :: IO ()
useHandle = do
  System.IO.withFile "/tmp/message" WriteMode $ \handle -> do
    -- This do block is called the "body" of the withFile
    System.IO.hPutStrLn handle "Hello!"

  -- handle has been closed by the time we get here

Even better, withFile is “bracketed”. That means that it releases its Handle even when the body it terminated by an exception:

useHandleException :: IO ()
useHandleException = do
  System.IO.withFile "/tmp/message" WriteMode $ \handle -> do
    -- This do block is called the "body" of the withFile
    System.IO.hPutStrLn handle "Hello!"
    error "Oh dear!"

  -- handle has been closed by the time we get here,
  -- even though the body was terminated by an exception

But all is not good. Nothing stops us leaking the handle from withFile and attempting to access it after it has been closed. For example, the following code errors out at run time:

leakHandle :: IO ()
leakHandle = do
  handle <-
    System.IO.withFile "/tmp/output-file" WriteMode $ \handle -> do
      pure handle

  System.IO.hPutStrLn handle "Still open?"
ghci> leakHandle
*** Exception: /tmp/output-file: hPutStr: illegal operation (handle is closed)

Bluefin to the rescue

Bluefin’s version of withFile doesn’t suffer from the same problem. If we try to write code that leaks the handle from withFile we get a type error.

leakHandleBf :: IO ()
leakHandleBf = runEff $ \io -> do
  handle <-
      $ \handle -> do
        pure handle

  Bluefin.System.IO.hPutStrLn handle "Still open?"
/home/tom/H2/code/logger.hs:208:10: error:
   • Couldn't match type ‘e0’ with ‘e1’
     Expected: Handle e0
       Actual: Handle e1
   • because type variable ‘e1’ would escape its scope

How does that happen? It’s because of the type of Bluefin’s withFile, which is:

withFile ::
  (e1 :> es) =>
  IOE e1 ->
  FilePath ->
  IOMode ->
  (forall e. Handle e -> Eff (e :& es) r) ->
  Eff es r

The type of the handle that Bluefin’s withFile provides to its body is Handle e (that’s a Bluefin.System.IO.Handle), i.e. it is tagged with the Bluefin effect type e. The forall that binds e prevents us from smuggling the handle out as part of r, the return type of the block. This technique is an augmented version of the one used by runST to avoid leaking STRefs.

So System.IO.withFile has a neat resource safety property, and Bluefin’s equivalent is even safer!

See also