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Plucking constraints in Bluefin

– or, “Handling effects in Bluefin”

One of the promises of strongly-typed, pure functional programming is to “make invalid states unrepresentable”. We can broaden the slogan to “make invalid behaviours unrepresentable”. Indeed, that’s one of the purposes of effect systems in Haskell: to circumscribe an operation’s range of observable behaviours. Typically, effect systems provide a way of “handling” effects, that is, removing effects from the range of observable behaviours. Matt Parsons calls the technique for handling effects in the “MTL effect system” “plucking constraints”.

The Bluefin effect system, like MTL, uses a system of constraints to track effects and allows effects to be handled, reducing the range of observable behaviours. Let’s have a look at how that works, after first looking at how it works in transformers and MTL, for comparison.


How does handling effects look in the context of transformers in Haskell? Consider the operation

operTrans :: ExceptT String (State Int) ()

The possible behaviour of such an operation is “manipulating an Int state, eventually terminating with a () unless a String exception was thrown”. So far so good. But the story gets even better: we can handle effects, to reduce the range of valid behaviour. For example, we could choose to handle the exception by adding the length of the thrown String to the Int state, as follows:

handleLengthTrans ::
  ExceptT String (State Int) () -> State Int ()
handleLengthTrans m = do
  e <- runExceptT m
  case e of
    Left s -> modify (+ length s)
    Right () -> pure ()

Then handleLengthTrans operTrans :: State Int (). We have reduced the range of possible behaviour to “manipulate an Int state but do not (observably) throw an exception” (despite the fact that the implementation uses an exception).


Typically, however, we don’t want to write concrete monad transformer stacks. One alternative is MTL-style constraints, for example:

operMTL ::
  (MonadError String m, MonadState Int m) => m ()

Exactly the same implementation as handleLengthTrans works for this MTL-style function too, although the type is an MTL-style one.

handleLengthMTL ::
  MonadState Int m => ExceptT String m () -> m ()
handleLengthMTL m = do
  e <- runExceptT m
  case e of
    Left s -> modify (+ length s)
    Right () -> pure ()

Then handleLengthMTL operMTL :: MonadState Int m => m (). Again, the possible behaviour is “manipulate an Int state but do not (observably) throw an exception”.

How does this business with MonadError and MonadState work to allow us to handle an effect? Well, that’s the technique that Matt calls “plucking constraints”. Let’s consider the two types involved, renaming the type variable in operMTL from m to m' to avoid confusion.

operMTL ::
  (MonadError String m', MonadState Int m') => m' ()
handleLengthMTL ::
  MonadState Int m => ExceptT String m () -> m ()

Then for handleLengthMTL operMTL to type check we need m' to be ExceptT String m. We end up with

handleLengthMTL operMTL ::
  ( MonadState Int m,
    MonadState Int (ExceptT String m),
    MonadError String (ExceptT String m)
  ) =>
  m ()

That’s exactly what we anticipate, except for the constraints. We have three constraints where we expected one. That’s OK though: we can discharge the unexpected constraints to obtain just the expected one. Let’s see how that proceeds.

The first constraint is MonadState Int m, and there’s nothing to be done about that. It’s still a constraint on the result. To discharge the second constraint the compiler uses the instance

instance MonadState s m => MonadState s (ExceptT e m)

so the second constraint reduces to MonadState Int m, identical to the constraint we already have. Thirdly, there is an instance

instance Monad m => MonadError e (ExceptT e m)

so the third constraint reduces to Monad m. But MonadState Int m can only hold when Monad m already holds, so the single remaining constraint is just MonadState Int m.

This behaviour crucially depended on two elements: firstly, the MonadError instance for ExceptT. That part is straightforward and expected. The second element is less straightforward: the MonadState instance that “passes” state behaviour through the ExceptT layer to the inner m, which is itself required to be an instance of MonadState.

This is why MTL-style has the “n squared instances problem”: for every effect “MyEffect” that I define, I need a constraint (say MonadMyEffect), I need a transformer (say MyEffectT), a MonadMyEffect instance for MyEffectT, and then crucially, n more instances one for every other effect constraint, that pass the other effect constraint through MyEffectT to the inner monad. For example, I need

instance MonadState s m => MonadState s (MyEffectT m)
instance MonadError e m => MonadError e (MyEffectT m)

So far this article has mostly recapitulated what Matt Parsons wrote in “Plucking Constraints”. Now let’s see something different: how plucking constraints works in Bluefin.


We have been working with an operation that can manipulate an Int state and throw a String exception specified in transformers style and MTL-style, respectively:

operTrans ::
  ExceptT String (State Int)
operMTL ::
  (MonadError String m, MonadState Int m) => m ()

The Bluefin equivalent of the operation is

operBf ::
  (e1 :> es, e2 :> es) =>
  State Int e1 ->
  Exception String e2 ->
  Eff es ()

and the Bluefin equivalent of the handler which handles, and therefore removes, the exception effect is

handleLengthBf ::
  (e1 :> es) =>
  (forall e2. Exception String e2 -> Eff (e2 :& es) r) ->
  State Int e1 ->
  Eff es ()
handleLengthBf m st =
  e <- try m
  case e of
    Left s -> modify st (+ length s)
    Right () -> pure ()

When we use it to handle operBf we get

handledOper :: (e1 :> es) => State Int e1 -> Eff es ()
handledOper s = handleLengthBf (operBf s) s

Let’s see how this one works. Again, I’m going to rename a type variable to avoid confusion, this time es in operBf to es'.

operBf ::
  (e1 :> es', e2 :> es') =>
  State Int e1 ->
  Exception String e2 ->
  Eff es' ()

Subsequently, for handleLengthBf (operBf s) s to type check we need es' to be e2 :& es, so we get the type

handledBf :: (e1 :> es) => State Int e1 -> Eff es ()
handledBf s =
    (operBf s ::
      forall e2.
      (e1 :> (e2 :& es), e2 :> (e2 :& es)) =>
      Exception String e2 ->
      Eff (e2 :& es) ()

Notice that I have not only annotated handledBf with a type, but I have also annotated operBf. That’s because the constraints that we need to resolve contain e2, a type variable bound by the type of operBf. An interesting development! Nothing like this was seen in the MTL-style example.

The constraints we must deal with involve Bluefin’s :> operator. They are:

e1 :> es
e1 :> (e2 :& es)
e2 :> (e2 :& es)

The first, e1 :> es is easiest, because there’s nothing we can do about it: it remains in the final form. This is analogous to the case above of MonadState Int m. The second, e1 :> (e2 :& es), is dealt with by the following instance for :>:

instance (e :> es) => e :> (x :& es)

It becomes e1 :> es, identical to the constraint we already have. This is analogous to the case above of:

MonadState s m => MonadState s (ExceptT e m)

The third, e2 :> (e2 :& es), is satisfied by:

instance e :> (e :> es)

and so is absent from the final form. This is analogous to the case of MonadError String (ExceptT String m') above.

In this manner, Bluefin avoids the “n squared instances” problem: the only instances needed are those of :>. They are defined once and for all to deal with all the situations that will arise.

Incoherent instances

But hold on! Something funny happened here. The third constraint, e2 :> (e2 :& es), matches both of these instance definitions:

instance e :> (e :> es)
instance (e :> es) => e :> (x :& es)

Above we said that the constraint was satisfied by the former instance: a desirable outcome. On the other hand, the latter instance seems to suggest the constraint should resolve to e2 :> es: an undesirable outcome because, since e2 was bound by the type of operBf, it can’t be satisfied!

What’s going on? Well, I omitted something from the instance declarations above. The declaration for e :> (e :& es) is actually incoherent:

instance {-# INCOHERENT #-} e :> (e :& es)
instance (e :> es) => e :> (x :& es)

The instance resolution rules for incoherent instances (and for overlapping instances, which are a weaker form of incoherence) are subtle, and I won’t go into details in this article about how exactly they work in this case, but I will state that they allow the constraint e2 :> (e2 :> es) to be dispatched whilst also allowing the constraint e1 :> (e2 :> es) to resolve to e1 :> es, which is exactly what type inference of Bluefin handlers needs!

Incoherence questions

The use of incoherent instances raises questions:

  1. Would overlapping instances be sufficient?
  2. Can it lead to type safety violations?

Regarding question 1: no, overlapping instances would not be sufficient. The explanation involves subtleties of how instance resolution works for incoherent instances compared to overlapping instances and I won’t go into further details in this article.

Regarding question 2: no, using incoherent instances cannot lead to violations of type safety in Bluefin. The “axiomatic” instances are valid, so any instance derived from them is valid regardless of how it is derived. Furthermore, the (:>) constraint contains no run time data so there can be no difference in behaviour arising from how the instance was derived. Therefore, although Bluefin’s use of incoherent instances can lead to a failure of type checking or type inference (a valid program can be rejected), it cannot lead to a failure of type safety (an invalid program cannot be accepted) nor unexpected behaviour.

Conclusion and commentary

Haskell effect systems allow making invalid behaviour unrepresentable. If you define a new effect in MTL-style then you’ll be required to do extra work for each other effect you want to be compatible with (the “n squared instances problem). If you define a new effect in Bluefin-style you won’t: Bluefin’s :> constraint and associated instances allow arbitrary effects to be combined with no extra work.

Similar effect systems, such as polysemy and effectful have the same benefits as Bluefin. Indeed, effectful has a similar system of instances to Bluefin, where the instances themselves have no run time relevance, because Bluefin’s system was derived from effectful’s.