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The Mysterious Incomposability of Decidable

Applicative, Alternative and Divisible are Haskell classes that each have nice composition properties. There is a fourth class, Decidable, that fills in the remaining corner of a square of properties but I cannot find any nice composition property for it.

By way of introduction, Haskell has a Functor class that can be fmapped covariantly and a Contravariant class that can be contramapped contravariantly. Subclasses of these allow pairs of the same type to be combined. In brief

The following code demonstrates those properties:

import Control.Applicative
import Data.Functor.Contravariant
import Data.Functor.Contravariant.Divisible

applicativeProduct :: Applicative f
                   => (f a, f b)
                   -> f (a, b)
applicativeProduct (fa, fb) = (,) <$> fa <*> fb

alternativeSum :: Alternative f
               => (f a, f b)
               -> f (Either a b)
alternativeSum (fa, fb) = fmap Left fa <|> fmap Right fb

divisibleProduct :: Divisible f
                 => (f a, f b)
                 -> f (a, b)
divisibleProduct (fa, fb) = divide id fa fb

decidableProduct :: Decidable f
                 => (f a, f b)
                 -> f (Either a b)
decidableProduct (fa, fb) = chosen fa fb

Applicatives, Alternatives and Divisibles compose well. The first with <$> and <*> and the second and third with fmap/contramap and a monoidal operation (<|> and what I define as <+> respectively).

applicativeCompose :: [[String]]
applicativeCompose = f <$> [1, 2]
                       <*> [True, False]
                       <*> ["hello", "world"]
    where f = (\a b c -> replicate a (if b then c else "False"))

alternativeCompose :: [String]
alternativeCompose = fmap show [1, 2]
                     <|> fmap reverse ["hello", "world"]

divisibleCompose :: Predicate (String, Int)
divisibleCompose = contramap ((== 5) . length . fst) predicate
                   <+> contramap ((< 6) . snd) predicate

However, I cannot work out any nice way to compose Decidables and I find this very mysterious. For example, suppose I have

instance F Decidable

a :: F A
b :: F B
c :: F C

data Foo = Bar A | Baz B | Quux C

How do I compose a, b and c into an F Foo? The simplest thing I have discovered is

compose :: F Foo
compose = f -$- (fC -*- fB -*- fA)
  where f = \case Bar a  -> Right a
                  Baz b  -> Left (Right b)
                  Quux c -> Left (Left c)

with the Decidable operations -$- and -*- given by

(-$-) :: Contravariant f => (a -> b) -> f b -> f a
(-$-) = contramap

(-*-) :: Decidable f => f a -> f b -> f (Either a b)
(-*-) = chosen

infixl -*-
infixr -$-

The explicit unpacking into an Either is rather unsatisfactory. I’ve tried all sorts of techniques, including CPS, but nothing seems to make Decidables nicely composable. Do you have any ideas? If so, contact me!


Some extra code used in the examples:

predicate :: Predicate Bool
predicate = Predicate id

(<+>) :: Divisible f => f a -> f a -> f a
(<+>) = divide (\x -> (x, x))