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An impure lazy programming language


I will explain how, if you start with an impure lazy programming language, you very quickly discover that you may as well make it pure and handle side effects through an IO type.


I’ve got a strongly-typed, impure, lazy, programming language called “Unclean”. Impure means that let binding and function application can have side effects. Lazy means that, firstly, let bindings and function arguments are not evaluated until they are demanded and, secondly, the results of computations bound to an identifier are memoized.

Laziness and memoization

The first part of laziness is that function arguments are not evaluated until and unless they are used. In the following example the value of x is never demanded, so it is never calculated and the expression is quickly evaluated to "Hello".

> let x = sum [1..10000000] in "Hello"

The second part of laziness is that the result of an expression bound to an identifier is memoized (cached) for reuse. In the following example the first time we evaluate y the computation bound to it is run and there is some delay before we see the result. The second time we evaluate y the result is returned instantly because it has already been memoized.

> let y = sum [1..10000000]
> y
-- That was slow
> y
-- That was quick

Using Unclean

Here are a couple of entries in the Unclean standard library:

putStrLn :: String -> ()

getLine :: String

And here are examples of using them:

> putStrLn "Hello world"
Hello world

putStrLn prints its argument to the console and returns (). I can also print the result of reading a line of input:

> putStrLn getLine
I entered this text
I entered this text

There’s also a function seq :: a -> b -> b which evaluates its first argument and then returns its second. I can use seq to write sequences of code that interact with the user.

main2 :: ()
main2 = putStrLn "What is your name?"
        putStrLn ("Hello " ++ getLine)
> main2
What is your name?
Hello Tom

Hmm, it doesn’t quite do what I want though. Due to laziness it started printing “Hello” before it asked for my name. How about the following instead?

main3 :: ()
main3 = let g = getLine
        in putStrLn "What is your name?"
           putStrLn ("Hello " ++ g)
> main3
What is your name?
Hello Tom

That’s much better. But what if I want to read two strings with getLine? I can try

main4 :: ()
main4 = let name     = getLine
            language = getLine
        in putStrLn "What is your name?"
           putStrLn "What is your favourite programming language?"
           putStrLn (name ++ " likes " ++ language)
> main4
What is your name?
What is your favourite programming language?
Tom likes Tom

That’s strange. It only asked for my name and the told me that I like myself. Whilst technically true this is not what I wanted. What’s going on? Unclean memoizes getLine and and so we see the same result in all its uses. That’s no good at all! It will mean that we can only ever read one line in an Unclean program. To avoid memoization we can make getLine a function.

getLineF :: () -> String

We apply a () argument to getLineF each time it is used and thus we don’t memoize.

main5 :: ()
main5 = putStrLn "What is your name?"
        let name = getLineF ()
        in name
        putStrLn "What is your favourite programming language?"
        let language = getLineF ()
        in language
        putStrLn (name ++ " likes " ++ language)
> main5
What is your name?
What is your favourite programming language?
Tom likes Unclean

That’s the result we wanted. It’s a bit annoying that we have to mention our variables twice when we bind them. let name = getLineF () in name ... is awkward and sure to lead to programming mistakes. How far can we abstract that away? The first thing to try is this andThen function.

andThen :: b -> (b -> c) -> c
andThen x f = x `seq` f x

It allows us to write

main6 :: ()
main6 = putStrLn "What is your name?"
                    `andThen` \_ ->
        getLineF () `andThen` \name ->
        putStrLn "What is your favourite programming language?"
                    `andThen` \_ ->
        getLineF () `andThen` \language ->
        putStrLn (name ++ " likes " ++ language)

which runs just like main5. andThen works to essentially bind the result of a function to a name. It’s still syntactically awkward though. Let’s invent a “do notation” to make it syntactically more convenient.

main7 :: ()
main7 = do
  putStrLn "What is your name?"
  name <- getLineF ()
  putStrLn "What is your favourite programming language?"
  language <- getLineF ()
  putStrLn (name ++ " likes " ++ language)

  where (>>=)     = andThen
        (>>) x y  = x >>= (\_ -> y)
        return    = id
        fail      = error

main7 also runs just like main5. This do notation has nothing to do with monads. It’s just a syntactic transformation that makes working with andThen more convenient.

Unfortunately it still doesn’t stop us doing weird things like this:

main8 :: ()
main8 = do
  let g = getLineF ()
  putStrLn "What is your name?"
  name <- g
  putStrLn "What is your favourite programming language?"
  language <- g
  putStrLn (name ++ " likes " ++ language)

  where (>>=)     = andThen
        (>>) x y  = x >>= (\_ -> y)
        return    = id
        fail      = error
> main8
What is your name?
What is your favourite programming language?
Tom likes Tom

There’s still too much memoization. Ideally we don’t want to memoize the results of side effects at all. Let’s wrap up our side-effecting actions in a datatype which always prevents memoization.

data IO a = IO (() -> a)

unIO :: IO a -> a
unIO (IO a) = a ()

andThenIO :: IO a -> (a -> IO b) -> IO b
andThenIO x f = IO (\_ -> unIO x `andThen` (unIO . f))

putStrLnIO :: String -> IO ()
putStrLnIO s = IO (\_ -> putStrLn s)

getLineIO :: IO String
getLineIO = IO getLineF

Then nothing goes wrong if we try to get a line in two places

main9 :: ()
main9 = unIO $ do
  let g = getLineIO

  putStrLnIO "What is your name?"
  name <- g
  putStrLnIO "What is your favourite programming language?"
  language <- g
  putStrLnIO (name ++ " likes " ++ language)

  where (>>=)     = andThenIO
        (>>) x y  = x >>= (\_ -> y)
        return x  = IO (\_ -> x)
        fail      = error

main9 also runs just like main5. This setup is still not quite right though. It doesn’t prevent us from writing

main10 :: ()
main10 = unIO $ do
  let g = getLine

  putStrLnIO "What is your name?"
  let name = g
  putStrLnIO "What is your favourite programming language?"
  let language = g
  putStrLnIO (name ++ " likes " ++ language)

  where (>>=)     = andThenIO
        (>>) x y  = x >>= (\_ -> y)
        return x  = IO (\_ -> x)
        fail      = error

which has the same problem as main8. We are now, however, in a position to solve all these problems once and for all.


The solution is to wrap all side-effecting primitives in IO, and ensure that IO is an abstract datatype whose contents we can’t unwrap. This way we can only combine side-effecting actions by using andThenIO, never directly. This ensures that side effects always occur in the order we expect and function application itself never has side effects. At this point Unclean has become a pure functional programming language and it is, in fact, Haskell.


If you have an impure, lazy, functional programming language the only natural way to handle side effects is to ensure that they are all wrapped in a datatype (called IO in Haskell, but it could be called anything you like) and provide combinators for ordering them relative to each other.

At this point the notion of “monad” is floating around in the background, but that notion neither is needed to discover how to handle side effects sanely in a lazy language nor is needed to understand how to use the IO type in practice. If the inventors of Haskell had started with an impure lazy language (with seq) and asked themselves “how do we sanely handle the ordering of effects in this language?” they would probably have quickly discovered this very natural approach.

(Thanks to Sam Davis for a review)

Appendix: Getting Unclean

You too can have your very own Unclean compiler. Just add some lines like this at the top of your source files:

{-# LANGUAGE RebindableSyntax #-}

import System.IO.Unsafe
import qualified Prelude

u = unsafePerformIO

putStrLn :: String -> ()
putStrLn = u . Prelude.putStrLn

getLine :: String
getLine = u Prelude.getLine

getLineF :: () -> String
getLineF _ = u Prelude.getLine